You are here: Stock Item Attributes > Advanced Attribute Uses > Yield Percentage Attribute Type

Yield Percentage Attribute Type

Yield Percentages are used to specify the amount of the Stock Item that is actually usable when using the item as an ingredient to manufacture stock items or when selling the item.

Example scenarios where Yield Percentages can be used are:


The formula used to calculate the Yield Percentage is: Quantity x (100/Yield Percentage).


In order to use the Yield Percentage Attribute feature, the Yield Percentage Attribute Type and the required Yield Percentage attributes need to be created.


Setup Attributes

Go to File > Sales > Stock Item Attributes > Add New Attribute Type > Yield Percentage (Case sensitive) > Save > Exit.


FIGURE 1:  Enter "Yield Percentage" into the Add Attribute Type field.


Select Yield Percentage from the Attribute Types and select Add New Yield Percentage.

Add as many Yield Percentages as required.

Once you have added the Attributes, exit the screen.


FIGURE 2:  Ensure that the Yield Percentage entry is highlighted on the left-hand side column.
Press the "Add New Yield Percentage" button on the top-left corner of the window.
Create the Yield Percentage amounts as required (the above example shows 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 within the right-hand side column).
Do not enter the percentage symbol when creating the Yield Percentage amounts.


Setup Stock Items

As mentioned above, Yield Percentages can be used when Manufacturing Items as well as when selling items.

To demonstrate these cases, we'll step through the following steps further below.


Manufacture an Indirect Item (Manufacture Supreme Pizza example above) using an ingredient which has a Yield Percentage linked:

- Enable Manufacture Item and Indirect Item options for the Supreme Pizza Stock Item

- Enable Yield Percentage Attribute for the Onion Brown Stock Item


Sell an Item which has the Yield Percentage option enabled (Butcher Shop example above).

- Set the Yield Percentage on the Lamb Leg Stock Item sold by the butcher.


To setup each of the above, Go to File > Stock Control > Stock Items.


Open the Onion Brown Item and set the Yield Percentage.

The below example shows a Yield Percentage of 70 set on the Onion Brown item.


FIGURE 3:  The Yield Percentage is set via the Attributes section within the bottom-right corner of the window.
The above example shows the Yield Percentage is set to 70.


Open the Supreme Pizza Stock Item and ensure that the Indirect Item and Manufactured Item options are enabled.


FIGURE 4:  The above example shows the Indirect Item and Manufactured Item options enabled within the Other Options section.


Click on the Indirect Item tab and add the Stock Item "Onion Brown" using a quantity of 50/1000.


FIGURE 5:  The Onion Brown Stock Item with a quantity of 50/1000 has been entered into the Indirect Item tab.


Press the "Save" button to save the change and close the Supreme Pizza Stock Item screen.


Open the Lamb Leg Stock Item and set the Yield Percentage to 80.


FIGURE 6:  A Yield Percentage of 80 has been set via the Attributes section on the bottom-right corner for the Stock Item.


Manufacture a Stock Item using an ingredient with a Yield Percentage

Manufacture the Supreme Pizza Stock Item by going to:

Transactions > Stock Control > Manufacture Items > Add

From the Stock Code column, click on the down arrow to display a list of Manufactured Stock Items in the system, then click on the Supreme Pizza.

Enter 1 into the Quantity to Manufacture field and fill out the Batch Name field.


FIGURE 7:  Manufacturing a Stock Item via the Manufacture Items window.


Press the "Save" button on the top-left corner of the Manufacture Items window.

Select the batch from the Manufacture Batches screen then press the "Process" button on the bottom-right corner to process the batch.


FIGURE 8:  The Manufacture Batches window shows the newly created batch for the Supreme Pizza item.
Select the batch from the list and press the "Process" button on the bottom-right corner to process it.


If you are asked to confirm the processing of the Manufacture Batch, press "Yes" to continue.

A prompt will then appear to notify that the Items have been Manufactured. Press "OK" to continue.

Close the Manufacture Batches screen.


The Stock Transaction Report can be used to show the quantity of Onion Brown that was used to manufacture the Supreme Pizza.


Go to: Reports > Stock Control > Stock Transaction

Press the "View" button on the top-left corner of the window to run the Stock Transaction Report.


FIGURE 9:  The Stock Transactions Report can be used to show the quantity used for to manufacture Stock Items.


The Stock Transaction Report will be displayed and will show the Onion Brown Item with a Type of "Transfer Out".

The Quantity used is 0.0714.

This is calculated using the formula of Quantity x (100/Yield Percentage).

The Quantity of Onion Brown used in the manufacture of Supreme Pizza is 0.05 (50/1000=0.05) as per the Indirect Item tab of the Supreme Pizza Stock Item.

The Yield Percentage set for the Onion Brown Stock Item is 70 as per the Stock Item Attribute set on the Onion Brown Stock Item.

So the amounts in the formula are: 0.05 x (100/70) = 0.0714285714285714

The result from the above calculation matches the Quantity shown in the below Stock Transaction Report.


FIGURE 10:  The Stock Transactions Report shows the Transfer Out of Onion Brown to manufacture Supreme Pizza.


Selling a Stock Item with a Yield Percentage

Go to the POS screen and add the Lamb Leg item to the sale.

For simplicity and the purpose of this exercise, use a quantity of 1.

The item can be added by entering the Stock Item Code 121010.


FIGURE 11:  Selling a Stock Item that has a Yield Percentage configured.


Press the ENTER button to proceed to the tender screen then cash the sale off.

A receipt will be printed for the customer and will contain the amount sold as indicated on the POS screen (1.000KG).


FIGURE 12:  Customer receipt showing the item.


The Stock Transaction Report can be opened to confirm the actual amount deducted from the Stock Level (which factors in the Yield Percentage amount that has been set for the Lamb Leg Stock Item).


Go to: Reports > Stock Control > Stock  Transaction > View


The Sale will be displayed and the Quantity will be as per the Yield Percentage configured for the item.

As mentioned previously, the formula for Yield Percentage is Quantity x (100 / Yield Percentage).

So, for this instance, a quantity of 1 was sold and the Yield Percentage configured for the Lamb Leg is 80%.

1 x (100/80) = 1.25

A Quantity of 1.2500 was sold as per the Stock Transaction Report displayed below.


FIGURE 13:  Stock Transaction Report showing the item, factoring in the Yield Percentage amount.